Compare Perdoo and Weekdone

Based on available data from their respective websites, comparing Perdoo and Weekdone, your choice could be Weekdone.

Please refer to the comparison table below to see your required features.

General Perdoo Weekdone
Pricing - starting from $395/month, minimum contract value of €3800, billed annually
14 days-day free trial
$7.95 per user
15 days-day free trial
Support & consultants Implementation & on-boarding, quarterly OKR reviews, live chat, dedicated OKR coach, e-books, educational materials & online learning platform Free implementation consulting, LIVE support chat, dedicated personal consultant, less than 12 hour response time, e-books and educational materials
Best for team size M / L S / M / L
Customers Vattenfall, AirBnB, Tradedoubler, VE Interactive Whole Foods, Mavrck, Ebury, Zlien, TrendWatching, FT
Read the Case Studies
OKRs and Weekly planning linked together Full support to link weekly plans and progress to Objectives, see weekly update reports
OKR features
OKR levels Company & Group Company + Department + Team + Person
Origination Bottom-up, top-down Bottom-up, top-down
History of how OKRs and progress changes over time Visual history chart, KR history comments, O history comments
Objective and Key Result status tracking Automatic color coding depending on progress, completion assessment (off track, at risk, on track, exceeded)
Company structure and grouping view Full visual OKR hierarchy tree view with collapsible levels
Private OKRs for personal use
Core features
Download summary report for performance reviews PDF, .CSV + Email reports HTML + PDF + XLS + email reports
Keep track of history of previous quarters and years Unlimited historic views for years, quarter, arbitrary periods
Custom reports by time Daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly
Assign tasks and objectives Assign to teams or people, 1-on-1s to discuss priorities, OKRs in draft mode/notes for planning
Visual dashboard
Real-time updating news feed Full newsfeed, filterable by departments, teams or people; limit to everything, weekly or quarterly items or messages; sort by time or popularity. Custom timestamped timelines for individuals and single objectives
Communication Comments Comments + @name mentions + #hashtags + emojis
Creates a habit of using OKRs
Customizable design Logo + colors
Customizable categories
Setup users and teams Users & teams Users belong to teams, which belong to departments
Filtering, privacy, restriction settings
Technical & Security
Notifications Real-time browser push + mobile + email; Slack integration
Update and access OKRs from mobile devices iOS + Android iOS + Android + Windows Mobile + Browser add-ons for Chrome, Firefox
SSO SAML, Google Apps, OAuth, Ping, Okta, Active Directory
Integrations Slack, Google, API Jira + Asana + Basecamp + Google + Slack + Zapier

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